When unwanted animals and pests make their home in your attic, they can cause serious damage to the wiring, plumbing and the structural integrity of your property. That’s why you need to safeguard against infestation and focus on consistent home maintenance.


How to spot any animals living in your attic

The first thing you need to do is remove any unwanted pests you may already have residing in your attic. Determining what kinds of pests you currently have, and how they are entering, will help you to prevent further infestation. Here’s what to look for:

Listen for sounds coming from the attic - Pay attention to any sounds you hear coming from the attic, keeping an ear out for thumping, scurrying or buzzing. Insects tend to be more active in the daytime, whilst small rodents will make more noise at night.

Inspect the attic if you suspect it may be infested - Enter the attic to check for any signs of habitation, such as droppings, nests, chewed wires, gnawed boards and any holes to the outside that may appear chewed open. You’re going to need a safe, secure way of getting up there. So make sure you have a proper loft ladder installed to make things easier and to avoid any injuries.

Inspect the exterior of your home - Most animals get into the attic through small holes or man-made openings, so look for possible points of entry and keep an eye out for any activity throughout the day. Remember to check your chimney pot too. Many types of birds tend to nest here, leading to further infestation. You could invest in a Birdguard to prevent the nuisance of unwanted birds.


How to prevent animals from getting into your attic

There are a number of preventative measures you can take to stop pests from getting into your attic in the first place. Here are some of the most practical:

Remove food sources from outside around the house - Removing foods that attract animals, such as exposed rubbish and dropped fruits, will prevent them from gathering on your property and nesting in the vicinity.

Put up squirrel & bird boxes in your garden - If you live in a wooded area and it’s impossible to avoid attracting wildlife into your garden, then providing shelter for birds and rodents will prevent them from making a home in your attic.

Trim or remove tree limbs and branches - Tree branches that extend over your property provide easy access to the attic. Stop animals from climbing onto your roof and finding their way in by carefully trimming or removing the branches altogether.